Monday, 20 December 2021

2022 Predictions, 2022 World Predictions

2022 Predictions, 2022 World Predictions, Predictions for the world 2022, Global Predictions, Medium Predictions 2022, Prophecies for 2022, Medium Prophecies for 2022, Nostradamus, AI, Stock Market, Pandemic 2022, USA, Canada, UK, Australia, China, North Korea, Joe Biden, Justin Trudeau, Kim Jong Un, End of Days, Revelation, Important Timeframes in 2022, Psychic Lisa Paron

2022 Predictions, Predictions for world 2022. Warning view at your own risk. I predict the year 2022 will start with a bang and keep you on the edge of your seat all year long. For real, this is going to be a bumpy year with surprises, restrictions, unexpected events, chaos, shocks and upheaval. For those people who embrace change it will be a most exciting year. For people who are fixed in their ways, they may have a challenging year as they adjust to the current ever changing new normal. As an Astrologer and Psychic, I do not make these predictions lightly and can understand the reason for the cryptic messages Nostradamus made in his quatrains centuries ago. I do not want to frighten you but I am sure to give your spine a tingle with my predictions for 2022. I have made many accurate predictions since 2014 that have come true and a few I missed. I am only human and do not claim to be perfect but I am sure most of my predictions will come to light in 2022 or perhaps a little later in the future, but they will come to pass.

Brace yourself for a shock and continue only if you dare. If you are easily triggered you may not want to know my predictions. 2020 and 2021 were very difficult years with many people suffering through Covid fatigue, sickness, isolation, separation and death. As we enter 2022 it may seem like winter is coming for us all yet again and I am sorry to say we still have to face our own long night to see through the confusion before the fog lifts. Some people fear the end of days are near, that we may enter into World War 3 or the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are fulfilling the prophecies in the book of Revelation in the Bible. I do not believe we are there quite yet but one things for sure, 2022 will be a wild ride for good and evil. So many bizarre twists and turns await in 2022 that by the end you will think you have been living in some wild Hollywood blockbuster because real life can’t possibly be this crazy or can it? I predict in 2022 that the world will have a large focus on the environment and the condition of the earth. There will be an increase in severe storms throughout the world involving cold, wet weather with heavy rain, floods, snow storms, hurricanes, tornadoes and earthquakes.  

Watch more predictions for 2022 here


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