Tuesday 28 March 2017

Mercury Retrograde 2017 Meaning and Dates

Mercury Retrograde 2017 Meaning and Dates

Mercury Retrograde April 9, 2017. Mercury retrogrades on April 9, 2017 to May 3rd in the signs of Taurus and Aries. When Mercury is retrograde it is in a backwards state altering its energy in an odd way. For the next three weeks Mercury will be hovering between the signs of Taurus and Aries. You may feel stuck in a rut or like life is suddenly on pause. 

Wednesday 1 March 2017

Venus Retrograde 2017
by Lisa Paron

Venus the planet most associated with money, love and sex will be going retrograde on March 2 until April 15. Venus retrograde is when the planet Venus appears to be orbiting in a slowed down and backwards state as observed here from earth. Of course this is only an optical illusion however it has being documented for thousands of years astrologically as being a time when matters of love, sex and business are not as harmonious as usual. Thankfully this only happens once every 18 months or so.

Venus retrograde is a time when you may be re-evaluating your relationships and partners in life. Generally this is an unfavorable time to start a new relationship as once Venus goes direct later on you will scratch your head wondering what attracted you to this person in the first place. This is not a favorable time to get married, to start a business or to have cosmetic surgery. Venus retrograde is also a time that you do not want to experiment with your looks such as a new beauty makeover or drastic new hairdo, this is not the time as you will likely end up with a hair don’t. You will find you will have unfavorable results and you won't like it. As well it is not a favorable time to purchase expensive or luxury items such as jewelry, a new car or a home. You will probably find once Venus goes direct that there is a flaw with these items or you don't like them anymore.
To help remedy the effects of Venus retrograde carry a Rose Quartz crystal gem stone to attract harmony and love into your life.

Other planetary influences interacting with Venus retrograde include the Sun conjunct Venus on March 25th which overall is a harmonious angle in a challenging time. Venus will square Saturn on April 8th making for a pessimistic view on love or a day to receive little affection. People will be fickle about love and difficult to please under this aspect. Already unstable relationships may experience more challenges or may require more work to repair.

Venus Retrograde for all Sun signs

Venus will retrograde in your 1st house of your physical body and image. You may be feeling like you are physically tired or have temporarily lost your groove but it will be back soon.

Venus retrograde in your 12th house of behind the scenes matters and secrets. There is a possibility of an old love interest will re-enter your life.

Venus retrograde in your 11th house of friends and social activity. It is possible he will be re-evaluating your friends at this time or you may meet a new love interest that you meet through your friends.

Venus will retrograde in your 10th house of career and recognition. You may encounter delays or challenges associated with pay raise or promotion. A new job started at this time may not work out the way you would like.

Venus will retrograde in your 9th house of higher education and long-distance travel. You may discover that your studies may cost more than you believed or you may meet a new love interest while on a holiday.

Venus will retrograde in your 8th house of joint income and estate matters. There could be delays or challenges around joint income, court proceedings or inheritances. Some of you will be obsessed with sexual desire.

Venus will retrograde and your 7th house of partners and relationships. You may find yourself rehashing or revisiting old wounds in your relationships. Keep a cool head when having a heart to heart for the best success. A new love interest may also enter your life and complicate things.

Venus will retrograde in your 6th house of work, service and health. This may cause delays or challenges associated with a pay raise or new job opportunity. There is also a possibility of a past health issue resurfacing.

Venus retrograde in your 5th house of recreation, creativity and romance. You may discover a new hobby has a higher price tag then you anticipated or you may experience challenges or delays in your romance zone.

Venus will retrograde in your 4th house of your home and family. It is possible that you will have repairs or upgrades to your home that may cost more than you anticipate. It is also possible you will have an emotionally stirring event with your family.

Venus will retrograde in your 3rd house of writing, communication and your neighborhood. You may experience misunderstandings or miscommunication so it is advisable to double check all of your appointments. There's a possibility of a conflict with your neighbor.

Venus will retrograde in your 2nd house of money and material gain. You may experience challenges or delays as Venus puts your money situation on hold for the time being. Money could be flowing out as easily as it is flowing in at this time so take care with how you spend your money.

Copyright © 2014-2017 Astro Mojo Lisa Paron All Rights Reserved​. 

Astrology Horoscope All Sun Signs March 2017

March Astrology Forecast by Lisa Paron

March will come in like a soggy lion with the aftershocks still in effect from the Eclipse on February 26th. The Sun will be in the watery sign of Pisces until the 20th bringing up past issues and making some people very emotional or fragile. There is shaky energy afoot on the 1st with the Moon, Pluto and Uranus which will be accelerated by Jupiter and Mars making for a day full of surprises and shakeups. Expect the unexpected at this time. The Sun is also right beside magical Neptune at the spiritually karmic number 11 in the watery sign of Pisces. This is an excellent time to pursue spiritual matters, learn about the occult sciences or metaphysics. The veil to the other side is wide open for those people wanting to investigate this phenomenon. If you have planets around 11 degrees of Pisces, especially Neptune, you may have a vision, paranormal or supernatural experience.

On the 2nd Jupiter is in opposition to unstable Uranus affecting the signs of Libra and Aries. It is also at the karmic master number 22 representing our dreams and wishes. This can influence some to bolt from a situation, job or relationship out of the blue. You may fell extremely restless and edgy but my advice is to think carefully before marching off in a huff, it is probably not as bad as you temporarily think. If you have planets around 22° you will feel this energy more than others.

On the 4th Venus enters the retrograde zone until April 15. During this time all things related to beauty, money and sex will have a diminishing, unstable and unfavorable influence.

Venus Retrograde for all Sun Signs
On the 9th Mars enters the earth sign of Taurus which can make earth signs of Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn a little more stubborn than usual for a while. When Mars is in the sign of Taurus, people in general do not want to be rushed or prodded into making any hasty decisions, they want to take their time. This will stimulate a desire for pleasure, find food and smoldering romance or negatively make some more prone to accidents, stubborn behavior and anger issues.

We have a Full Moon on the 12th in the earth the sign of Virgo. The Full Moon is at the karmic master number 22. This is a time when your past efforts could finally pay off or reach a conclusion of some sort. This would be a good time to clear out the clutter around your home and in your life. Make things nice, neat and tidy to let in the good new positive energy and to make room for new opportunities. Because the Full Moon involves both celestial lights of the Sun and the Moon, it has a sense of duality about it, so it is entirely possible a new opportunity may be presented to you at this time especially if you have favorably aspected planets around 22° of Virgo or earth signs of Taurus or Capricorn.

On the 13th Mercury enters the fire sign of Aries where it will stay for approximately 3 weeks. During this time people will be more prone to speak their mind and take action, not sit around or leave anything to chance. This is not a time when people will want to sit back and wait, they will want to go for it now, whatever “it” is. This can make some people feel restless or edgy, maybe even a little more aggressive than normally.

On the 20th we have the Sun enters the fire sign of Aries for the next month. This is also a day when spring begins in the northern hemisphere and we celebrate the Spring Solstice, spring equinox. This is a time of new beginnings and a fresh new year. This is a day to write down your wishes and put them somewhere safe like under a wee pyramid. People in general will be more aggressive, in a hurry, wanting to speak their mind and will want to take the lead in some way. This can make you feel edgy or restless, so it is an excellent time to begin some sort of physical activity or go for a walk. Some of you with favorably aspected fire energy in your horoscope will feel especially energetic and peppy during this month.
Watch your mouth on the 23rd when Mercury makes an adverse aspect to Pluto at 19° Aries and Capricorn. This is not a day to tell somebody how you really feel as the Moon is also square or in a cranky angle to Mars. You may be sorry you said anything. People in general will be irritable, cranky and quick to anger. This is a day ripe for communication misunderstandings, intense emotions building like a volcano and intense or bitter arguments. Watch for road rage on the drive and take care while traveling. The 23rd is not a very favorable day to fly as you can expect delays, cancellations, temperamental travelers or incidents.

You may see on the news about severe weather conditions, shake ups or fire related tragedies. This is also a day where we will hear news about conflict and violence around the world. Just to add insult to injury on the 24th we also have Mercury in opposition to Jupiter which could accelerate your argument to the next level. This is an aspect associated with overconfidence as well as overstating the facts or making a mountain out of a mole hill. Be on the lookout for liars, scam artists and fake profiles wanting to friend you on social media
The 25th is a lovely day for passionate love romance with Venus conjunct the Sun at 4° of Aries. With the Moon in dreamy Pisces this will add even more romance and a magical quality to the day. This is an excellent day for expressing your creativity.  Artists and actors will easily find inspiration and show their best side as well. People born with the Sun in Aries will be more physically attractive in the eyes of others for the next 3 weeks, so get out and socialize. Some of you on a date with someone for the first time tonight may find that this person is quite bold and hot to trot, so take care if this is not what you're into.

On the 27th we have a New Moon at 7 degrees of Aries. The Moon in Aries will bring on a desire to start something new or begin a spunky new project. The Moon is also very close with Venus the planet of love. This is generally a good time for women or gay men to encounter a dark handsome stranger or find a new love interest. Just keep in mind that Venus is retrograde, so this may be a scenario of 2 ships passing in the night rather than a budding romance that will lead to a commitment.

On the 30th Jupiter in Libra squares Pluto in Capricorn causing relationship tension or bring up drama from the past. This is the second square or challenging aspect between these two heavy hitting planets in a series of 3 that could bring on arrogant behavior, fanatical obsessions or conflict with authority of some kind. Some of you may feel like money is burning a hole in your pocket or feel a desire to make extravagant purchases, but now is not the time.

On the 31st Mercury enters the earthy sign of Taurus where it will stay for the next 3 weeks. During this time people in general will want to think carefully before they speak and evaluate the situation first. People will not take kindly to being rushed or hurried along to make a decision but they will be enjoying the pleasures in life, fine food and drink more than usual.

Copyright © 2014-2017 Astro Mojo Lisa Paron All Rights Reserved​. 

Crystals for all Sun Signs March 2017

Crystals for all Sun Signs March 2017
by Lisa Paron

The Sun will be in your 12th house putting a spotlight on behind the scenes matters and secrets. Carry a Black Obsidian crystal gem stone for grounding and protection.

The Sun will be in your 11th house highlighting your friends and social life. Carry an Aventurine crystal gem stone to attract new friendships and stimulate social activity.

The Sun shines brightly in your 10th house of career and prestige. Carry a Citrine crystal gem stone to attract business opportunities and recognition.

The Sun is travelling through your 9th house of higher learning and long-distance travel. Carry an Aquamarine crystal gem stone to raise your level of consciousness and for protection while traveling.

The Sun puts a highlight on your 8th house of joint income and estate matters. Carry a Black Onyx crystal gem stone for grounding and protection.

The sun put the spotlight on your 7th house of partners and relationships. Carry a Blue Laced Agate crystal gem stone to attract harmony and loving feelings into your world.

The Sun highlights your 6th house of work, service and health. Carry a Citrine crystal gem stone to attract new job opportunities, wage increases and to boost your immunity.

The Sun puts a spotlight in your 5th house of fun, recreation and romance. Carry a Sunstone Crystal gemstone to attract good times and loving feelings your way.

The Sun highlights your 4th house of home, property and family. Carry a Grape Agate crystal gem stone to encourage security and stability.

The Sun travels through your 3rd house of communication and self-expression. Carry a Clear Quartz crystal gem stone to enhance clarity and connect to a higher power if you so desire.

The Sun is shining brightly on your 2nd house of money and ambition. Carry a Fire Agate crystal gem stone to attract material gain and fuel your desires.

The Sun is putting a spotlight on you as it transits your 1st house of your physical body and your image. Carry a Spirit Quartz to infuse your life with joyful energy and give your spirit a dynamic boost.   

Crystal Readings 2017

Crystal Talismans and Flowers, Crystal Gemstones and flower essences have been used for thousands of years to improve one's well-being, happiness and luck.

Psychic Readings 2017

Psychic Readings 2017 

Psychic Readings 2017, Psychic Lisa Paron, Psychic Reading 2017, Psychic Photo Reading 2017, Psychic Email Readings 2017, Psychic Card Reading 2017, Online Psychic Readings 2017, Online Tarot, Online Angel Card Readings 2017, Crystals, Best Career, Love, Life. Online Tarot Readings include a picture of your cards I draw for you as well as my predictions about your situation. Email Psychic Readings are usually delivered in 3 days. Often when I do a Card Reading, I will pick up an extra Psychic impression, Spiritual message, Spirit Animal Guide or Message from the other side for you. If I do, I will include it in your Reading. ​I am Psychic Lisa Paron a Certified Angel Card Reader. Ask me about your future and I will gaze at my Crystal Ball. Yes, I do use a Crystal Ball in this Reading.

Thursday 2 February 2017

2017 Eclipse Astrology February

2017 Eclipse Astrology February-All Signs
by Lisa Paron

Eclipses are celestial events that indicate change, opportunities, new beginnings and sometimes endings. In 2017, there are four eclipses. Two of these Eclipse take place in February. The Lunar Eclipse February 10th or 11th depending on where you live highlights positive change to partners, relationships and marriage. This is a generally positive time bringing improvements into your life. 

A Lunar eclipse is a beautiful celestial event to see in the sky. This occurs when the Moon passes directly behind the earth and appears darkened as it passes into the earth's shadow. In ancient times eclipses were believed to be omens of new beginnings and sometimes even of doom. In modern times we know eclipses usually represent times of change or new opportunities coming your way for good or for bad. 

This Lunar Eclipse should be a positive experience for most people as there are no harsh aspects to it. In fact Mercury, Venus and Uranus join in and are ready to party. It will be an uplifting and overall happy few days. Some of you will get a really lovely surprise and it might have cost a small fortune. As well, this Lunar Eclipse occurs at 22° Leo 28'. The number 22 is a powerful master number associated with magic, manifestation and making your wishes come true.

The Solar Eclipse on February 26th or 27th depending where you live is an entirely different matter altogether. A Solar Eclipse is considered a time of new beginnings, opportunities and excitement. The air feels electrically charged as an eclipse is building.

For some people, this eclipse will have you dealing with past life issues, issues of emotional pain that you will finally be able to face, conquer and move on. This will be a really memorable moment for some people and they will reflect on it as one of the most life altering times of their life. This could be a really tough day as there is planetary conflicts amplifying the energy of the Eclipse in a challenging way. Luna is not getting along very well with intense Pluto, argumentative Mars, unpredictable Uranus and expansive Jupiter. This could result in an overwhelming display or emotions or anger. Watch yourself around sharp objects, knives, guns, fire and especially electricity. Expect the unexpected and hang on.

The Sun is also cranky with Mars and the whole combination of cosmic energy could bring sudden endings or conflict into your life. Globally this is a very unstable time again with water related disasters, drowning, overdoses and or poisoning. Look for severe tides, electrical storms, flooding and heavy rain/snow storms or even a tsunami. There is also a very hot angle between Mars that is making an exact conjunction with unpredictable Uranus in the fiery sign of Aries that will make some people feel heated and itching to make a sudden move or even bolt from a situation. Globally this could spark conflict in war zones, explosions, fires and unfortunately maybe even another terrorist attack. Please take your time this month, think through any change you want in your life before you act on it and most importantly, take care.

Copyright © 2017 Astro Mojo Lisa Paron All Rights Reserved​