Wednesday 1 June 2016

June 2016 Astrology Forecast

June 2016 Astrology Forecast
by Lisa Paron

June’s lucky stars have some challenges starting on the 1st with the Sun in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces. If you're an air or water sign you may fee be feeling challenged, disillusioned or lacking in confidence especially with relationships at this time. This energy will build and peak on the New Moon in Gemini on the 4th. The New Moon is very close and in a harmonious aspect to Venus which will really put an emphasis on deep emotions, love and relationships. Emotions could turn serious as the Moon is in opposition to Saturn in Sagittarius. As well the Moon is in a T-square with Jupiter in Virgo and Neptune in Pisces. This is a rather challenging astrological angle so there could be radical changes or adjustments in relationships.

On the 6th, Venus makes its exact conjunction with the Sun at 16° of Gemini. This is a lovely, youthful and exuberant aspect energizing us to be open to love, communication, new ideas and experiences. Putting the celestial cherry on the cake for this aspect is Mercury finally out of it shadow phase on June 9th. Communications, writing or that important correspondence you been waiting for may finally come in around this time. The 12th will be an interesting day with Mercury entering its natural air sign of Gemini. As well Venus is making a really cool aspect with Uranus in Aries which is a classic indicator of love at first sight.  You may be feeling nostalgic or thinking about past lives and your innermost secrets on the 13th when Neptune goes retrograde in Pisces. For the next several months this influence will be felt especially for Pisces and the other water signs of Cancer and Scorpio. Your intuition will become more powerful during this time.

You may feel like snuggling at home eating home-baked cookies with your sweetheart on the 17th when Venus enters the home loving sign of Cancer. However this probably isn’t going to happen just quite like you picture it as Saturn in Sagittarius is making a harsh angle to Neptune in Pisces, oh and both these planets are retrograde. You don't want to mess around with Saturn and Neptune, especially Saturn because this aspect can make a situation heavy and serious, like a wet blanket over the whole thing. This energy only lasts for a couple of days leading up to the summer solstice that have some challenging aspects as well. The 18th is another unusual day to take note of how you communicate to other people. There could be some unexpected, angry or intense words spoken or exchanged in the heat of the moment that may be regretted later.

The Full Moon is on the 20th in the sign of Sagittarius and is opposite the Sun in Gemini. The Moon is conjunct Mars and coming close to Saturn as well so you may feel like you want to go or begin something but you are challenged or held back in some way. As well mercury in Gemini is currently in opposition to Saturn in Sagittarius and also Square to Neptune in Pisces. This energy could have talks turn serious with a sprinkling of uncertainty and illusion. The 20th is also the Summer solstice, one of the most energetically charged and magical days of the year. This is a perfect night to bless, smudge and energize yourself, the ones you love including your pets, your home and surroundings. This is also the most powerful nights of the year to charge your crystals and Tarot cards.
Probably the very best day of the month would be June 26 when Jupiter in Virgo makes a really harmonious aspect with mighty Pluto in Capricorn. This could be a huge opportunity of some kind come your way. I would say it would be unexpectedly as well due to Mercury in a nice aspect with unpredictable Uranus in Aries.

The 27th is a wonderful day for love and romance with Venus in Cancer make a sexy angle to Neptune in Pisces. This is lovely energy for a romantic date with your sweetheart or spouse. Single water signs of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces be prepared for possible love at first sight. The general energy in the air will start to lift considerably starting on the 29th when Mars finally goes direct in Scorpio. Life will slowly begin to speed up at this time. As well on the 29th Mercury enters the water sign of Cancer. I predict communications to be tender, sympathetic and possibly emotional. The 30th can be a very challenging day for relationships when Venus in Cancer opposes Pluto in Capricorn. Some of you my experience extreme emotions, a power struggle or stern opposition from the one you love.

Make sure to check your June video horoscope forecast with a lucky Crystal recommendation for your Sun sign, Moon and Ascendant. If you like my videos on YouTube Astrologer Lisa Paron  please show your support by liking and subscribing to my channel. I appreciate it. This has been a general astrology forecast for June 2016, but these events will only affect you personally if you have planets influenced by those signs or degrees. For personal predictions and to see how the stars may affect you, order your Personal In-depth astrology reading with me based on your date, location and time of birth at

The best way to handle June’s challenging energy is to stay flexible, hug often and adapt to your current situation. You will be just fine. Until next time lovelies, I send you love and light, take care.

Monday 2 May 2016

May Stars 2016 Astrology Forecast

May Stars 2016 Astrology Forecast by Lisa Paron
May 2016 Astrology forecast

Welcome to your Astro Mojo. I'm your astrologer Lisa Paron and this is your general western astrology forecast for May 2016. May’s lucky stars begin on the 1st, with the Sun in Taurus in a lovely aspect to Neptune in Pisces. This sparkling energy is perfect for artists, entertainers and creative types to find inspiration and create beauty. It could also mean a golden opportunity presenting itself for people affected by this transit.

One of the best aspects of the month is on the 3rd, when the Sun in Taurus makes a lucky star or earth trine with Jupiter in Virgo. The Sun is also approaching a trine with Pluto in Capricorn that is exact on the 7th and joining the earth trine is the planet Mercury or The Messenger of the Gods. Now, normally I would say, this is a wonderful time for new beginnings, projects, business and enterprises, but with 5 planets currently in retrograde motion, not so much. This is a slower paced energy, not a time to take action. It is a time to chill out, reflect on your situation, rest and to give yourself a reboot.

The planet Mercury went retrograde or in backward station on April 29th, 2016 at 24 degrees of Taurus. Mercury is also known as the Messenger of the Gods and governs over all forms of communication, commerce, writing and speech. Taurus is a stubborn, fixed Sun sign and does not like to be rushed or forced into anything. With Mercury retrograde in Taurus it can influence people’s lives to slow down and they think about things longer before they reach a decision, so if you insist on an answer during this time it will likely be no. The first 10 days of May, the planets Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto are all in a retrograde or an off kilter and slowed energy. During a retrograde transit there is a higher than average chance of missed appointments, problems associated with communications, travel chaos, computer crash’s, electronic or mechanical problems and general confusion. That said, Mercury retrograde is a wonderful time for a redo or to finish up projects you have already begun. Before Mercury goes retrograde, back up your files on your computer, double-check your appointments, travel plans and commitments. 

On the 6th we have a New Moon Super Moon at 16 degrees of Taurus. This is a good time to attend to your finances and make solid plans for the future. This is also a good time for pampering yourself, relaxing and gardening. Why not enjoy a lovely meal with family or a loved one. Mighty Jupiter stations direct on the 9th at 13 degrees of Virgo which will slowly begin progress in business and areas of life we want to expand. Also on the 9th, Venus and Neptune make a harmonious angle perfect for a romantic evening as well as artistic pursuits such as painting, acting or music. On the 10th, Jupiter makes a lovely star angle with Venus in Taurus. A new love interest or business proposition may present itself at this time. It is also a great day for a date, lovely dinner or a little romance. Venus the planet of love and money is currently in the Earth sign of Taurus until the 24th. Venus in Taurus casts a sensual energy on people and encourages us to indulge in all forms of pleasure such as luxury items, good food as well as things of beauty and beautiful people. This sparkling Venus energy will give the earth signs of Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn extra charisma, charm and allure for the next three weeks. This is a great time to ask for a favor as others will see you as irresistible.

The 13th is a good time for love and romance when Venus at 17 degrees of Taurus makes a harmonious angle with Pluto in Capricorn. People at this time will be more romantic, seek out the finer things in life. This is a perfect time for a romantic gourmet dinner or for pampering oneself. The Sun enters the air sign of Gemini on the 20th switching our focus to matters related to communications, writing, intellectual pursuits, travel as well as siblings and cousins. It is a good time to catch up on networking, errands and is a nice time for a short trip or vacation to an exotic destination.

On the 21st we have a Full Moon at 1 degree of Sagittarius putting an emphasis on worldly pursuits, education and long distance travel plans. This energy may also have some people feeling energized or it may bring a situation to completion. Influencing the Full Moon is Mars who has cozied himself right beside Luna and is in opposition to the Sun. This will give the Full Moon an extra shot of caffeine so to speak. Mars energy can add drama, impatience or urgency to any situation and some of you will be feeling quite anxious on this Full Moon.

Mercury stations direct on May 22nd at 14 degrees of Taurus. Life will begin to get back to normal; however it is best to wait until Mercury leaves its shadow phase on June 9th when it reaches 24 degrees of Taurus to be extra sure. Business, travel and communications will run much smoother at that time. Watch my video on Mercury retrograde for more information on the subject.

On the 24th, Venus enters the Air sign of Gemini. Venus in Gemini can influence our romantic desires, thoughts and intentions. People in general will tend to be fickle as far as romantic interests go and are more likely to be flighty during this time. It is a good time to write poetry and sweet words of love. On the 26th, Jupiter squares Saturn for the last time this year. This could mean a reality check is on the way when these 2 heavy hitters square off. Some of you may realize a big dream will take a lot more hard work than you originally thought. On the 27th   Mars which is currently in retrograde motion, enters the serious water sign of Scorpio kicking up the intensity meter a notch or 10.

Make sure to check your May video Horoscope Forecast with a lucky Crystal recommendation for your Sun sign, Moon and Ascendant. If you like my videos please show your support by liking and subscribing to my  YouTube Channel Astrologer Lisa Paron. Thank you. These have been the transits and general forecast for May 2016, but they will only affect you personally if you have planets influenced by those signs or degrees.

For Personal predictions and to see how the stars may affect you:
Order your Personal In-depth Astrology Reading with me based on your date, location and time of birth at

Take your time in all you do and you will get through the retrograde planets just fine. Until next time lovelies, I send you love and light, take care.

Wednesday 3 February 2016

February Horoscope 2016

February 2016 General Astrology forecast
Astro Mojo by Lisa Paron

The stars in February have a nice selection for us and a few gems thrown in as well. Make sure to markdown Friday the 5th when Venus couples with Pluto in earthy Capricorn. This is an excellent day for business ventures and also increases the chances for intense magnetic attraction's as well as falling deeply in love. Increase your odds for business by carrying a lucky Citrine crystal talisman. Carry a Rose Quartz crystal to increase your chances of attracting love.

 The New Moon in the air sign of Aquarius on the 8th and despite being a generally lucky day, this will have some feeling irritable and prone to anger as both lights are making harsh squares to Mars. The number 8 is generally considered a lucky number in Numerology as it represents the symbol for infinity. The 8th is also Chinese New Year 2016, Year of the Monkey. On the 9th and 10th, Venus makes a beautiful angle to Jupiter in earth signs Capricorn and Virgo. This is an excellent day for business, new ventures and publishing. On the 16th Mercury is finally out of its shadow phase which puts an end to its communication breakdowns and the chaotic energy of last month. On the same day Venus enters the air sign of Aquarius where she will stay for approximately the next 30 days. This energy can manifest as people feeling more analytical about their relationships and love interests.

 The Sun enters the water sign of Pisces on the 19th stimulating our creative side, sensitivity, compassion and spirituality. The Full Moon in Virgo on the 22nd is an excellent time to cleanse or purge yourself and surroundings of unnecessary blockages. This is a time you want to clear out your clutter and donate it to charity. Rid yourself of toxic habits or substances as well as to smudge negativity or illness away. Utilize the energy of the Full Moon with a crystal talisman. Place a Howlite under your pillow to instill a sense of calm and tranquility as well as to invoke pleasant dreams. On the 28th for the night of the Oscars the Moon makes a nice angle to the Sun and Neptune in Pisces. These transits are favorable for creativity, the arts and film. How befitting the Academy Awards are on this night. I have a prediction that The Revenant will win the Oscar for best picture.
For personal predictions and to see how these planets will affect you, order your Premium Astrology Reading with me based on your date, location and time of birth. Until next time, I send you love and light, take care.

Accurate Predictions
I predicted Justin Trudeau to become Prime Minister of Canada. World Series prediction. I accurately predicted the Kansas City Royals to win the World Series 2015.