Tuesday 25 October 2016

November 2016 Monthly Stars and Crystal

November 2016 Monthly Stars and Crystal

I'm Astrologer Lisa Paron with your November 2016 monthly stars for all Sun signs of the zodiac. Monthly Stars and Crystal is an astrology forecast and Crystal recommendation for all Sun signs. I will tell you how the stars moving in the sky are influencing people and events around the world as well as monthly horoscope advice for everyone from Aries to Pisces for the month of November 2016. Watch my general forecast first for lucky dates in November for love and career. Then skip ahead to watch your Sun, Moon and Ascendant for the most insight.

November stars are a much easier ride then previous months. The good times start on the 1st with the Sun in Scorpio is in a lovely aspect with the planet Neptune in Pisces.  This is positive cosmic energy for artists, singers, entertainers, creative types as well as actors or You Tuber's. This would be the day to shoot that video and this wonderful water energy is harmonious to any of the water signs of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. If you follow numerology or Angel numbers, you may be interested to know that on the 1st Jupiter is at 11 degrees 11 minutes of Libra. 11:11 very interesting karma.

Single folks looking for love might find someone new pop into your life on or around the 5th when Venus in Sagittarius makes a harmonious aspect to Uranus an Aries. But don't sit around waiting for love to knock on your door get out there and get noticed, this is the day to socialize not sit around waiting for it to happen. You have to make your own destiny sometimes. If you're currently in a committed relationship this will be an exciting and loving day.

If you've been waiting for a day to rid yourself of a toxic habit or situation, the 7th is a good day to do it with the Sun in Scorpio in a nice aspect to Pluto in Capricorn. Today's the day you will feel strong, determined and have the willpower to do so. On November 8th, I predict Hillary Clinton to become the 1st female President of the United States in the US Election of 2016. Watch my Election Prediction video for more details.

On the 9th the planet Mars enters the air sign of Aquarius where it will stay for approximately three weeks. This will influence people born under the sign of Aquarius or with many planets in Aquarius to feel more energized but you'll also have to watch your temper because you're going to be extra feisty.

On the 12th Venus the planet of love, enters the earth sign of Capricorn for approximately the next three weeks. People born under the sign of Capricorn will be most alluring and attractive to other people during this time and it is an excellent time to ask for a favour or a raise in pay. For everyone else relationships and partners will feel like they're on solid ground. Also on the 12th the planet of communication and commerce Mercury enters the fire sign of Sagittarius. At this time people in general might notice that communicating with other people is easy-going and pleasant. You may also notice that people are moving quickly and your computer might be lighting up with numerous texts, messages and your phone has started ringing off the hook.
On the 14th we have a Super Moon Full Moon at 22° of the earth sign Taurus. This particular for the super moon is the closest to the earth of all the super moons of 2016 so the energy is most potent. This will put finances and material game into the spotlight as well as a good time to set down a solid financial foundation.

For people who are mystic types, interested in metaphysics, witchcraft or the occult tonight is a wonderful time for casting a spell, magic or charging your tools of divination such as Tarot cards and crystals.

One of the few negative aspects happens on the 17th and it's a minor one at best with the Moon in opposition to Venus and Pluto which could make dealing with your partner or relationships intense. Someone might show a very jealous streak. This is really no big deal actually because it will be over very quickly as the Moon moves very fast through the zodiac. And a couple of days it'll be like it never happened.

On the 18th watch out for liars, people trying to deceive you or pulling the wool over your eyes so to speak with Mercury in Sagittarius in a challenging aspect with Neptune in Pisces. Someone may tell you a big lie today, so pay attention to what people tell you. Think of used car salesman.
On the 19th the planet Neptune in Pisces finally goes in direct or forward motion. People born under the sign of Pisces will feel like their life is really moving forward. The 19th is another day that is good to go out on a date with someone as it could be a very romantic evening.

The Sun enters the fire sign of Sagittarius on the 21st where it will stay for approximately the next four weeks. People in general especially those born under a fire sign of Aries, Leo or Sagittarius will be feeling energized and have a lot of get up and go. Life should be running smoothly at this time with relatively few problems.

Writers or people who are seeking employment should note the 22nd when Mercury in Sagittarius makes a harmonious aspect of Jupiter in Libra. This is an excellent day to apply for work, submit your writing for possible publication or to submit your book.
Students will be extra receptive to new ideas and learning on the 23rd when Mercury comes very close in the sky with Saturn meeting in the sign of Sagittarius. This is an excellent time to begin a course of study and be able to really concentrate on your subject.

On the 24th the planet of joy and expansion Jupiter which is currently in the sign of Libra makes a rough angle with Pluto in Capricorn. This is probably the worst aspect of the month and even that it's not that bad compared to the past previous months this is no biggie. This cosmic energy points to people wanting to do something bigger and better in their life. They want to reach for the stars and achieve great heights. Just be realistic as this star can influence people to be overconfident or not see the big picture.

This is an astrological angle associated with power and success but with the square involved you may run into obstacles or resistance from people around you. This is a good time to improve or re-organize a project or perhaps your business, just don't become obsessed with it and everything will be fine. One thing you may want to keep in mind is Jupiter and Pluto are two of the outer planets which means they take a long time to go through each sign. You may start to feel this energy as early as the 18th and up to November 1.

If you're looking for love do you want to write down the 25th on your calendar when the planet of love Venus joins Pluto very close in the sky in the earth sign of Capricorn. This could be a day marked by love at first sight or a deep passionate and intense romance. This also applies to people who are already in a committed relationship. Writers or creative types will enjoy the 26th when the planet Mercury in Sagittarius makes a harmonious aspect with Uranus in Aries. Your imagination and creativity will be sparked with lightning fast ideas as well as it is a good day to be thinking outside of the box because pretty much the box has been thrown away today. Someone around you may also say something very unusual or out of character.

Partners, relationships and love could turn unexpectedly in a new direction on the 29th with Venus in Capricorn in a challenging aspect to Uranus in Aries. This is a classic astrological indication of people playing hard to get. Also on the 29th we have a New Moon in Sagittarius which is a lovely time to begin something new or to write your wishes down on a piece of paper and put them somewhere safe such as under a wee pyramid. The month of November ends on the 30th was the Sun in Sagittarius in a challenging aspect to Neptune in Pisces. This is another day to be on the lookout for liars, when someone may try to deceive you or pull the wool over your eyes so to speak. Watch out for people lying.

The best way to handle November's cosmic energy is to remember that we attract the same energy as what we put out. Keep your mind filled with positive and happy thoughts and you will attract the same.

In a moment I will tell you how the stars and planets of November will affect your Sun sign, Moon sign and ascendant, but first I would like to thank you for watching and subscribing to my videos. Of course I would really love it if you would like and subscribe if you would not done so already to please show your support. Visit my website at www.astromojo.com for Free daily horoscopes, predictions, astrology articles to help you achieve the most success in your life as well as provide you with spiritual guidance.

This is a general astrology forecast for all Sun sign's during November 2016 but just a quick reminder that these cosmic events will only affect you personally if you have planets or angles influenced by those signs, planets or degrees in your birth horoscope. For personal predictions about you specifically or if you need astrological guidance with matters of love, compatibility, career choices, relocation or a specific issue, I am here to help. An Astrology Reading can open your eyes to opportunities that you just cannot see for yourself as well as save you tons of time, energy and expense that you would spend trying to figure out your best choices in life for optimal success on your own. Order your personal In-depth Astrology Reading with me based on your date, location and time of birth at www.astromojo.com/in-depth-readings.html

Now let's see how the stars will influence your Sun sign.

The Sun is energizing your 8th house of joint finances, money and sexual activity for most of November. You'll be feeling very frisky during this time. The first couple of weeks of the month will be quite busy with Messages, emails or correspondence regarding money from another source that you have not actually earned yourself. This could be a bank loan student loan, grants or a financial gift. This can also sometimes represent a lottery win, a good time at the casino or even an inheritance. Your ruling planet mars currently in the sign of Capricorn until the 10th will be going through your 10th house, energizing your career. This will be a very busy time at work. From the 11th on Mars moves into Aquarius into your 11th house where you could find you are clashing or arguing with your friends. Your finances may get a boost on or around the 14th with the Full Moon Super Moon activating your second house of money and values. This could be a time when you get more money coming your way. The new moon in Sagittarius on the 29th will activate your travel zone and you might find yourself going on a little vacation at that time. Make the most of this cosmic energy with the use of a lucky crystal gemstone. I recommend you carry a Tiger Eye crystal gemstone to stimulate good fortune, prosperity and attract abundance.

The Sun is shining brightly on your 7th house of partners, relationships as well as legal matters for most of November. Your ruling planet Venus currently in the sign of Capricorn is transiting through your 10th house of career and prestige. This could be a time when you get a pay raise, bonus or promotion. At the very least people will be talking favorably about you and your hard work. If you happen to be unemployed this would be a good time to apply for a job. The Full Moon Super Moon on the 14th is happening in your sign Taurus. This is your time to shine and an excellent time to spruce up your image a new hairdo, makeover or to add a few eye catching items to your wardrobe. The New Moon in Sagittarius on the 29th activates your 8th house sector of joint finances, taxes, sex and death. You may find some extra money comes your way at this time as well as it will energize your libido. Enhance your luck by carrying a Rose Quartz crystal gemstone for loving feelings between you and your partner.

The Sun is transiting your 6th house sector of work, health as well as your diet. This would be a good time to get noticed favorably on the job or if you're unemployed it is a good time to apply for a job. It's also an excellent time to improve your nutrition and health regime with some good hearty food full of vitamins. You will also feel good getting more fresh air and by being out in the outdoors. The Full Moon Super Moon in Taurus activates your 12th house sector of behind the scenes activities, secrets and institutions which might include hospitals, nursing homes or even jail. You may decide to spend more time on your own in solitude or visit someone who is confined in some way. You may also find that are reminiscing about the past or that someone has revealed the secret about you. The New Moon on the 29th in Sagittarius activates your 7th house of partners, relationships and marriage. This could mark the new beginning in your relationship where you decide to take it to a new committed level. Some of you will be discussing marriage during this time. Enhance your luck by carrying an Aventurine Crystal gemstone to attract new exciting opportunities on the job. This will also assist you if you are planning to ask for a raise in pay.

The Sun is sparkling in your 5th house of romance, creativity and children. This is a time when some of you will begin a new romance. Others may decide to go on a vacation and it's a lovely time to gamble a little bit at the casino. There's also the possibilities you will get a new pet during this time. Your ruling planet the Moon is a Super Moon Full Moon on the 14th in the sign of Taurus. This will activate your 11th house sector where some of you will expand your circle of friends. You might decide to join a club or social group during this time. Your activity on social media will be very busy. The 29th the New Moon in Sagittarius activates your 6th house of work and health. This is a good time to apply for a new job or to be noticed favorably at work. Not a bad time to ask for a pay raise either. This is also a good time when you want to take a closer look at your health and improve it with good nutritious food, plenty of fresh air and exercise. Enhance your romantic luck by carrying a Rose Quartz crystal gemstone to attract loving feelings and a new partner or if you happen to be going to the casino carry an Aventurine crystal gemstone for gambling luck.

Your ruling planet, the Sun is activating your 4th house of home and family for most of this month. This is a good time to spend quality time with your family away from computer devices so you can give them your full attention. You may also decide to spruce up your living environment with a bit of redecorating or some nice doodads to put around your home. On the 14th the Full Moon Super Moon in the sign of Taurus shines magical light into your 10th health sector of your career as well as prestige. This might be a time when you receive a new job offer, a pay raise and promotion or bonus. At the very least you will be noticed favourably at work during this time. If you are currently unemployed this would be a good time to apply for your dream job.  On the 29th the New Moon in the sign of Sagittarius marks a new beginning in your fifth house sector of romance, creativity and children. This would be a time when you may start a new romance or decide to go on a holiday. Some of you will get a new pet during this time. Enhance your luck by carrying a Rose Quartz crystal gemstone to attract good feelings and love in your home and with your family.

The Sun is activating your busy 3rd house of communication, your neighborhood, your logical mind and short distance travel. During the month of November you could notice that your life is suddenly a flurry of text messages, emails and correspondence. If you are a writer this is an excellent time for new ideas, writing and to submit your work for publication. Some of you will decide to write a book. You may also find your phone is ringing off the hook. Some of you will decide to take a little mini vacation just to get away for a few days and it will do you the world of good. On the 14th, the Full Moon Super Moon in Taurus is harmonious with your earthy Virgo Sun and is activating your 9th house of higher education, spirituality and travel. This would be a good time to begin a new course of study and to learn something new as well as you might want to delve into subjects relating to religion or subjects pertaining to spirituality. It's also a lovely time when you may be going on a long distance trip to a sunny locale. The New Moon in Sagittarius on the 29th joins your ruling planet Mercury in your 4th how sector of home and family. This could mark a new beginning for you. It is also entirely possible you will move to a new home during this time or decorate the one you live in now. Enhance your luck with a Lapis lazuli crystal gemstone for clarity and concentration.

The Sun is shining brightly your 2nd house of money, material gain as well as possessions. This could mark the time when you receive a gift or bonus, at the very least money will definitely be the most important thing on your mind during November. Your ruling planet Venus is currently in the sign of Capricorn transiting through your 4th house of home and family. This is a time when you might want to buy some beautiful pieces of artwork to decorate your home or spruce up a couple of the walls with a groovy new color. This is a happy time for you where you will be surrounded with love and abundance. On the 14th the Full Moon Super Moon in Taurus sparkles in your 8th house sector of joint finances, taxes and sexual activity. At this time some extra money might come your way and your love life gets a boost too. On the 29th the New Moon in Sagittarius highlights your 3rd house of your neighborhood, brothers, sisters, cousins as well as short distance travel. You may find that you're busy at this time with lots of errands and perhaps even some short distance travel. Enhance your luck by carrying a Citrine crystal gemstone to attract prosperity, material gain and abundance.

Scorpio it is your month with the Sun in your sign travelling through your 1st house of your physical body and image for most of November. This is your time to shine when it is an excellent time to spruce up your image with a new hairdo, makeover and a few more items to add zip to your wardrobe. This is also an excellent time to have a teeth cleaning and to get a few new photographs of yourself to freshen up your social media accounts. Get out and about and be seen, this is not the time to sit at home as a new wonderful opportunity could be coming your way. So go out and grab it. Your ancient ruling planet Mars is currently in your 4th house sector of home and family. This could cause some challenges with you butting heads with members of your family or arguments. Try not to overreact and keep your cool. The Full Moon Super Moon in Taurus happens on the 14th and is activating your 7th house of relationships, partners and marriage. This could be a time that some of you decides to tie the knot or at the very least if you're single a new partner may come into your life during this time. If you're already in a committed relationship this will add loving and harmonious energy between you and partner. On the 29th the New Moon in Sagittarius will sparkle in your 2nd house of money and material gain. This could spark a new beginning of your finances. You may receive extra money during this time. At the very least you will attract money easier right now. Enhance your luck by carrying a Jade crystal gemstone to rejuvenate your health as well as attract prosperity and abundance.

The Sun sparkles light in your secretive 12th house of behind the scenes activities, institutions such as hospitals, nursing home's and jail. You may find that you want to spend more time on your own and seek solitude during this time or there's the possibility of you visiting someone who is confined in some way. You may also discover someone has revealed the secret about you or you have a hidden enemy. Your ruling planet Jupiter in the sign of Libra will be activating your 11th house of friends, groups and organizations and will stay there throughout most of 2017. You may expand your circle of friends during this time or join more social groups. You will benefit the most from getting out and about and socializing with friends as opportunities could come your way by doing so. On the 14th the Full Moon Super Moon in Taurus sparkles in your 6th house of work and health. This could be a time when you receive a pay raise or promotion on the job or if you are currently unemployed a new job opportunity may come around this time. This is a good time to go out to seek employment. It's also an excellent time to spend more time outdoors in the fresh air getting a bit of exercise and to make sure that you eat nutritious food. The New Moon on the 29th is sparkling in your 1st house as it travels through your sign of Sagittarius. This will put your image and physical body into the spotlight. It's an excellent time to give yourself a makeover with a new hairdo or a few flashy items added to your wardrobe. Enhance your luck by carrying a Black Obsidian crystal gem stone for protection from enemies and the evil eye.

The Sun is shining on your 11th house of friends, clubs and organizations for most of the month. This could be a time when you're expanding your circle of friends or joining a new social group. It's a good time to get out and about and be seen. This could also bring one of your fondest wishes come true. Your ruling planet Saturn is currently in the sign of Sagittarius and will stay there for most of 2017 as it travels through your 12th house sector. This could influence you to spend more time on your own or you may be visiting people who are somehow confined in a hospital, nursing home or institution. The Full Moon Super Moon in Taurus on the 14th is harmonious with your earthy Capricorn Sun and will be activating your 5th house of romance, children as well as small pets. A new love interest may enter your life during this time or if you're in a committed relationship you will be feeling loving and romantic with each other. This would be an excellent time to go on a little holiday or to visit the casino for a wee bit of gambling. Some of you may become pregnant or decide to get a new pet during this time. The New Moon in Sagittarius takes place on the 29th in your 12th house joining Saturn where it will again highlight your secretive side. Enhance your luck by carrying an Aventurine crystal gemstone to attract new friends, opportunities and happy surprises.

The Sun is just sparkling in your 10th house of career, honour and prestige. You'll be very popular at work during this time and there's a possibility that a new job offer will come your way, a bonus, promotion or pay raise. If you're currently unemployed this is an excellent time to seek out a new job and apply for work. You're ancient ruling planet Saturn is currently in the sign of Sagittarius where it will stay for most of 2017. This will highlight your 11th house sector of friends, clubs and organizations. During this time you may want to expand your circle of friends or join a new club or two. The Full Moon Super Moon in Taurus happens on the 14th and highlights your 3rd house of your immediate neighborhood, communication and writing. This would be a time when you may find your life very busy with incoming messages, emails, texts and phone calls. You may also decide take a short trip just to get away for a day or two. Regardless you'll be very, very busy during the month of November and at end it will seem like you've been through a whirl wind. The New Moon on the 29th is in the sign of Sagittarius where it will join your ruling planet Saturn in your 11th house. Again this emphasizes expanding your circle of friends and this is an excellent time to be seen out and about socializing. Enhance your luck by carrying a Blue Malachite crystal gemstone to build up money, wealth and material gain.

The Sun brings magic to your 9th house of long-distance travel, religion, spiritual matters as well as higher education. You might decide to take a new course of study during this time or even begin a long voyage to a distant locale. The Caribbean is beautiful this time of year. Others will want to explore their spirituality and learn more about the subject of religion or the occult. Your ruling planet Jupiter is currently in the sign of Libra throughout most of 2017. This is highlighting your 8th house of joint finances, taxes, death and sexual activity. Some extra money might come into your life during this time especially in connection with your significant other. Some of you may find that you have been lucky with a lottery win or at the casino. This can also mean an inheritance. With Jupiter here it is possible your feeling extra frisky and at the very least since Pisces is a mystical sign you will probably find that your intuition expands and is really in tune. On the 14th the Full Moon Super Moon in Taurus activates and sparkles in your 2nd house of money and material gain. This may be a time when you find that you are easily attracting more money or gifts towards you as well as it flowing out as easily so watch you’re spending. You may also have a grand luxurious gift come your way during this time.  On the 29th the New Moon in Sagittarius highlights your 10th house of career and prestige. A new job offer could present itself or a pay raise, promotion or bonus related to your hard efforts of work in the past. If you're currently unemployed this is an excellent time to seek out a new job and to apply for work. Enhance your luck by carrying a Ruby crystal gemstone to enhance your confidence, stamina and attract material abundance.

I'm your astrologer Lisa Paron and the stars speak to me. Until next time lovelies I wish you good health, happiness as well as good fortune. Just remember we attract the same energy, vibration frequency of what we give. The stars of spoken, so mote it be. Blessings.

Tuesday 18 October 2016

US Presidential Debate- A fight to the finish

US Debate 2016, Predictions for the final US Presidential Debate October 19, 2016.

Astrology Predictions for tonight. This will be the most intense debate yet with Mars in an exact conjunction with intense Pluto at 15° of Capricorn. Expect each party to be forcing the issue and to not listen to the other, especially Donald, however the planets currently in Air signs and the location of Las Vegas are overall in his favor at this moment in time. Hopefully this doesn't stir up violence surrounding this debate. The Moon is in a harmonious position with Mercury which could make relations overall congenial and we have a nice aspect with Uranus for the first hour of the debate anyway. There could be some unusual questions. Following the debate however Mercury and Uranus are not in a very good position and this could spark unusual or eccentric behavior, speech or overreactions. In a word, circus. Today's stars are not so great for Hillary and she will be grilled over the Wikileaks. She is under very harsh aspects today that may indicate she is in danger in some way. This has been building all week and will take a couple of days after tomorrow to dissipate the hostilities of the air. Mars and Pluto so close in conjunction in an earth sign at this time can represent heated intense debates, arguments, violence, riots or even war globally. Mars and Pluto are very rarely subtle. There could be protests or violence associated with the final US presidential debate on Wednesday night. Unfortunately I believe a lot of toxic verbal venom will be in store for both candidates. This debate may end up a tie with the true winner unclear.

Mars conjunct Pluto 2016

Mars conjunct Pluto 2016-Something wicked this Way comes

Cosmic storms on the way for the next 48 hours as Mars conjuncts or comes really close to Pluto in the earth sign of Capricorn. This can have some folks feeling really edgy, cranky and some will be downright pissed off. This has been building all week and will take a couple of days after tomorrow to dissipate the hostilities of the air. An innocent observation or comment could escalate into a very heated debate on Wednesday. This is when Mars and Pluto are right beside each other conjunct at 15° of Capricorn. If you have the urge to tell somebody what you really think of them you might just end up in a huge argument. In the mix we have several planets in air signs encouraging nervous chatty conversations so you might not be able to keep your mouth shut.
You may want to take extra care using sharp knives, machinery or if you have to handle anything that is flammable or can explode. Mars and Pluto so close in conjunction in an earth sign at this time can represent heated debates, violence, riots or even war.
You may also see in the news over the next couple of days stories of earthquakes, volcanoes or explosions. I'm not trying to scare anybody but it is better to be forewarned of negative energies. People born with planets in earth signs and Scorpio could feel this energy deeply. Mars and Pluto are very rarely subtle. There could be protests or violence associated with the final US presidential debate on Wednesday night. Unfortunately I believe a lot of verbal venom will be in store for both candidates.
Be very careful driving as well my friends, take care now.

Venus in Sagittarius 2016 an easy-going vibe

Venus in Sagittarius

October 18 to November 12, 2016
Today the planet Venus entered the fire sign of Sagittarius.
Love, relationships or matters of the heart have a softer feel and a more easy-going vibe now. People who have been having partner and relationship problems recently will breathe a sigh of relief. The last three weeks in particular have been pretty rough on some folks love life as Venus in Scorpio was an intense, jealous and possibly volcanic ride. Now that Venus has entered Sagittarius your relationships will start to feel positive, optimistic and you may want to kiss and make up. How about you suggest a little vacation for the two of you to rekindle the flame? Or perhaps a yummy dinner out to an exotic restaurant where they serve your partners favorite foreign foods.
Venus in Sagittarius can influence people to be more adventurous in love.
People born with Venus in Sagittarius are extremely imaginative, intuitive and they are generous to others. However their Dark-side can be starry eyed or prone to hypersensitivity. In a quest to aim their arrow unrealistically towards perfection, Venus in Sagittarius folks will some times view the other pasture as greener then their own. Venus in Sagittarius also loves their freedom and can suddenly bolt away from relationships that spook them.
For the next three weeks people born with Venus in Sagittarius will appear more alluring to others. This is a good time to ask for a favor as you will likely find that the answer will be yes. Others will see you as practically irresistible and want to be around you. Now is the time that is perfect to get yourself a new outfit, give yourself a makeover with a new hairdo, make up and teeth cleaning. This is an excellent time to spruce up your image and your social media image sites with the new photo or two. This will also be very harmonious energy for people born with Venus in fire signs of Aries or Leo.
Venus enters the earth sign of Capricorn on November 12, 2016.

Thursday 15 September 2016

Lunar Eclipse 2016

Lunar Eclipse 2016

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on September 16th, 2016.  A Lunar Eclipse is always a time of change, when destiny calls or a new exciting chapter of your life can begin. A lunar eclipse is a beautiful celestial event to see in the sky. This occurs when the Moon passes directly behind the earth and appears darkened as it passes into the earth's shadow. In ancient times eclipses were believed to be omens of new beginnings and sometimes even of doom. In modern times we know eclipses usually represent times of change for new opportunities coming your way. The Full moon lunar eclipse is on September 16 in 24° of the water sign Pisces. Now lunar eclipse generally highlight relationships, relationship issues, partners and such. But I also believe that this is an eclipse that may highlight areas of your life concerning secrets, solitude, behind the scenes matters, confinement, hospitals and institutions. This is also a time when secrets can be revealed. Some of you may even discover you have a hidden enemy.

We continue on our celestial roller coaster through September on the 16th with the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in watery and emotional Pisces. People born the last week of Pisces from March 13 to March 20 or with planets "close to 24° will feel this energy the most. This energy highlights the natural astrological 12th house of behind the scenes matters, solitude and secrets adding lots of drama as well as possible emotional chaos or breakdowns. Other planetary influences today are the Moon (emotions) in a challenged position with both Mercury (communication) and Mars (aggression). Another really interesting combination of planets affecting the eclipse is Venus in opposition to Uranus in Aries. This energy is classic astrological indicator of love at first sight and could represent a sudden new love interest, meeting someone out of the blue or meeting someone unusual in dress or manner or in an odd location. Due to the celestial combination of the Sun, Moon, Venus and Uranus, some relationships will very suddenly begin, end or reach their conclusion at this time. As your Astrologer, my advice to you is expect the unexpected, anything can happen.
Now if your life is difficult right now remember everything even the planets constantly change and so too shall this challenging time pass. This is a time when we must remain calm and don’t do anything hasty, just take your time. Events in our lives happen for a reason, you may not know the reason until much later and then you realize you are in a new better place because something happened to you before, sometimes years before.

Some world predictions I have are the eclipse will effect Donald Trump's behavior again starting on the 1st. With the solar eclipse I believe Donald Trump will be acting in an unusual or unexpected manner that people in general will not look at very favorably. On the 16th the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse is affecting Donald, again with anger issues and his aggression may get the better of him or cost him votes. He will be especially confrontational, he will meet with opposition and its possible Mr. Trump will become very, very angry and loss his temper. This will be a time when his aggression manifests more bad feelings around him and possible negative energy towards him. It is like the more negative energy he produces the more it comes his way. He should be very careful at this time for accident prone tendencies, a possible accident or some violence against his person. It is also possible he will get in trouble again over firearms, weapons or some force he is trying to suggest.

Now I will tell you about your Sun sign and the Lunar Eclipse in a moment, but first let me remind you to please Like and Share my content on social media. The following is a general astrology forecast for all sun sign’s during the Lunar eclipse in September 2016, but this cosmic event will only affect you personally if you have planets influenced by these signs or degrees. For personal predictions and to see how the stars may affect you or if you need guidance with love, career or a personal issue, I am here to help. Order a personal In-depth Astrology Reading with me based on your date, location and time of birth at astromojo.com/in-depth readings.
Now let's see how the Lunar eclipse may affect your Sun sign, Moon sign or Ascendant.

The Full Moon lunar eclipse will highlight your 12th house of secrets, solitude, behind the scenes activities as well as hospitals and institutions. You may want to spend more time on your own for a little while, for the first couple weeks of September anyway and you may visit someone who is confined in a hospital, nursing home or is under the weather. There is a possibility that a secret of yours will be revealed or you will discover you have a hidden enemy which stirs up your emotions and sensitivity.  Try to stay calm, relax and carry a Black Onyx or Black Obsidian crystal gemstone for protection and to ward off the evil eye.

The full moon lunar eclipse highlights your 11th house of friends, clubs, socializing as well as organizations. You may decide to spend more time socializing with friends at this time as well as connecting on social media. This cosmic energy could bring a new karmic friend into your life that really rocks your world. There could be drama around an existing friendship that could revolve around a beginning or an ending. You may also find you are interested in electronics, computers, gadgets and devices with a desire to learn more about them. Carry an Aventurine crystal gemstone to attract new friendships and exciting opportunities.

The Full moon lunar eclipse sparkles magic light in your 10th house of career, prestige, honors and recognition. There's a possibility of new opportunities to advance your career or status in life happening at this time. You may get a pay raise, promotion or honor for past work achievement. At any rate it is highly possible your work situation will change in some way hopefully for the better but there's something that you must keep in mind. There is a possibility of two outcomes because of the two lights involved and your sign is the sign of twins, Gemini is two. This means there is also a possibility of an ending with a new beginning. Carry a Bloodstone crystal gemstone for clarity as well as strength to get you through any situation.

The Full Moon lunar eclipse illuminates your 9th house of higher education, long-distance travel and spirituality. New opportunities could come your way to advance your education perhaps with a new extensive training course. There is a possibility you will be considering a vacation or long-distance voyage particularly over water. Even if you don't actually go away on a vacation to the ocean, immerse yourself in water through therapeutic bath or take a dip in the lake if you can it'll do you good. You will benefit being by water at this time. You may decide to investigate or study other worldly matters such as spirituality, New Age, occult or esoteric pursuits as well as religion. Carry a Clear Quartz crystal gemstone for clarity in all matters, to enhance your ability to learn as well as to get in touch with spirit.

The Full Moon lunar eclipse sparkles light in your 8th house of other people’s money, financial obligations, estate matters as well as taxes. There is a possibility of a student or bank loan being granted at this time. You may receive a financial gift, even a lottery win or an inheritance. Dreamy and romantic Pisces energy also add sparkle to your libido and drama surrounding a new exciting person who may into your life at this time. Keep in mind because of the unstable energy involved during an eclipse, this new person may not stay in your life for very long. It could be a case of two ships passing in the night. Google this if you don't know what it means. Carry a Rose Quartz crystal gemstone to bring harmony in your life, warm feelings and to attract love, abundance and light to your love sector.

The Full Moon lunar eclipse will add drama and sparkle to your 7th house of relationships, partner’s marriage, significant others as well as other people. Some of you will decide to get married or cement your relationship during this time. The 7th house also represents lawyers, legal proceedings, lawsuits as well as open enemies. The situations may come into the spotlight in some way your life. There is also the remote possibility you may discover you have an open enemy. Carry a Rose Quartz crystal gemstone to attract harmony, good feelings and love to any situation you may encounter. Breath.

The Full Moon lunar eclipse sparkles her magic light in your 6th house of health, work and assisting others. This could represent you being noticed favorably on the job and perhaps getting a pay raise or promotion. You might also decide to make positive changes to your health at this time such as quitting a habit or situation that no longer serves you such as smoking, over eating or some other addiction. You might also step up to the plate and help someone less fortunate than yourself. Carry a Bloodstone crystal gemstone to help boost your confidence as well as give you courage in any situation it comes up in your life.

The Full Moon lunar eclipse is shining light in your 5th house of fun, romance, children as well as small pets. This is a wonderful time to spend with family or loved ones on holiday. Singles may need a new partner at this time and love will bloom if you're already in a committed relationship. This is the time when some of you will get a new pet and some of you will become pregnant during this time. Carry a Rose Quartz crystal gemstone to attract a new love interest or enhance love with an existing relationship.

The Full Moon lunar eclipse will illuminate your 4th house of home, property and environment. Take some time off of social media to enjoy everything you worked so hard for, your family, your loved ones and your home. Make the most of this time by getting out in nature and enjoying the fresh air of the outdoors. You will benefit greatly by wide-open spaces and natural environments at this time. You may decide to repair or improve your home or living space during this time. It is also entirely possible he will move to a new home or to a different location. Some of you will start a new phase of your life as the fourth house also emphasizes endings and beginnings. Carry a Jade Crystal gemstone for generosity and compassion.

The Full Moon lunar eclipse shines light in your 3rd house of communication, writing, your neighborhood as well as short distance travel. There will be a lot of activity around you with errands, phone calls, messages, emails and texts. It might be too much for you and you may decide you want to get away for a day or two on a little mini vacation. Some of you will have a desire to pursue writing and begin to write a book at this time. Carry a Lapis lazuli crystal gemstone for clarity as well as Cinnabar to stimulate your creativity.

The Full Moon lunar eclipse at sparkle and drama to your 2nd house of money, possessions and material gain. This is absolutely wonderful energy for attracting abundance and more money your way. There is a possibility of a pay raise coming or you manifesting something else you want of significant value. Sometimes the stars shine on you and things just fall into your lap. This could be a time of good times as well as material abundance. You may also have a strong desire to purchase something expensive or feel like money is burning a hole in your pocket. Carry a Peridot Crystal gemstone to curb spending and attract abundance.

The Full Moon lunar eclipse is most potent for you and is sparkling its magical light in your 1st house of your physical body, your image and your immediate environment. The eclipse is shining on you all month so make the most of it and look your best at all times. This is an excellent time to spruce up your image with the new hairdo, beauty makeover or a teeth cleaning. September could really be a memorable month for you as well as a real game changer. Some of you will be presented with a wonderful opportunity, just take your time and think it through logically. Carry a Sunstone crystal gemstone to gain popularity and become the belle of the ball.

The best way to handle Septembers eclipse energy is to take it easy, take your time, there is no need to rush and thoroughly analyze each situation. Go with the flow or even better be the flow yourself. I am your astrologer Lisa Paron and the stars speak to me. Until next time I wish for you safe journeys, abundance as well as send you my love and light. So mote it be.